BattleFX Bundle (Late pledge) – Digital
Missed BattleFX? Become a Late Pledger before it’s too late! More than 100 files!
For a limited time, you can back and receive all of the files BattleFX Backers receive (at a later time & with other conditions). Initially, you will only receive the core files and several other models that have been completed ahead of schedule.
As the models continue to be made, you can expect to receive the full list as found HERE.
These are digital files/products that comes in STL format for 3D printing.
Late Pledges will be billed on the day of delivery 15 of March 2019
An additional note about late pledges: To be fair to our Kickstarter backers, there are certain conditions for Late Backer Pledges:
- Late Backers don’t get to participate in the backer-selected votes.
- Late Backers will get the models 1 month after they’re released to KS backers (15 March 2019)
Once again unless indicated, these are all STL package files.