Necrons – DOOM SCYTHE / NIGHT SCYTHE flyer base – 1 – Digital
We hate GW flyer stick, and make our maximum effort to erradicate all of them! With this flyer base, you can represent this cool weapon creating a portal and make your space ship look even cooler!
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You will recive 2 files:
.stl file of the base
.chitubox pre-supported file
Caution! Please, glue it at the border of the base to have perfect balance!
What you are purchasing is a .STL file. This file is ready and tested in resin (Anycubic Photom), please use this in FDM printers by your responsabilitie, never tested.
The quality of the product depends on the profile, printer and quality of the resin/filament. If you have any problem, don´t heasite to contact us.
This is only for personal use, If you need a commercial license, please contact us.