Space Marines – Primaris Eliminators Fx’s – Physical


Some infiltration it’s neaded in some special mission and the Eliminator Squads are here for this job.

We created some fx’s for them. A bullet flying to it objetive for the Bolt Sniper Rifle and some residual smoke from the last kill. A muzzle flash for the bolt pistol and a laser blast from the Las Fusil.


Material: Clear Resin

Hollowed: No


Painted Primaris Eliminators gallery:


Do you need a large amount or custom color? Please contact us.

This is a 3D printed bit, It may contain small support material and small visible 3D printing lines. We provide it cleaned in alcohol and UV cured. We have more than 2 years of 3D printing experience and our items have a high quality and they are ready to be painted.

A very important consideration for a more translucent clear resin it’s use gloss varnish at the end of the painting. If you buy one of our bits that it’s 3D printed in grey resin, please, apply first a base coat. 3D printers resin have small translucency even in the opaque colors. If you need more information, please contact us.