Stormdragon Guard dragonbreath bases – Premium Edition


Premium Edition version painted by Olmo Castrillo (2 times Golden Demon winner) in collaboration with Deadly Print Studio team.

No more clear flying sticks! It’s time for dragon fire! This epic base give an amazing to this miniatures!


What it’s premium edition products?

Premium Edition are pro painted products limited in units (they include a numbered signed card).
This line will start with a limited edition of 50 Dragon Breaths (25 of each model, see conditions below).
Every Dragon Breath has been hanpainted by professional multi award-WINNING painter Olmo Castrillo (see below).
Following advice from 3d FX expert modeler and painter Juan Pedro Campuzano, we have developed a method which involves ten colour tones. We’re bringing you high contrast and vibrating fires. BE CAREFUL, IT BURNS!

Who is the painter?

We are proud to collaborate with@olmominiatures in this bases.


Olmo Castrillo Cano is a freelance professional miniature painter (Instagram: @olmominiatures, website under construction).

He collaborates frequently with Deadlyprint Studio and also paints boxarts for other famous studios like Big Child Creatives or Corvus Belli.

He has been awarded with 2 gold Golden Demons and 5 Commended Entries in UK and Germany in 2018. He also has been several times awarded in many Spanish miniature painting contests.

Olmo teachs weekly in an academy in collaboration with Deadly Print Studio. Besides, he teachs in weekend masterclasses and trains in private coaching.
Now he is personally painting these outstanding limited Deadly Print Premium Edition bits to bring a new burning experience to your battlefield: Feuer frei!

*Important: We will start sending this new products at the beginning of may



Juan Pedro worked in Games of Throne season 7 episode 6 (Beyond the Wall), here he tried to replicate the feel and look of the dragon breath!


Premium Edition Signed card

Painted photos of the 20 first bases:

Dragon S Base


Dragon L Base

Painted photos of the original art of Deadly Print Studio painting team:



*We only can do a new version of this limited product every year under the condition of selling all the original units and an improvement in the quality of the printing/upgrade of the model.


This is a 3D printed bit, It may contain small support material and small visible 3D printing lines. We provide it cleaned in alcohol and UV cured. We have more than 2 years of 3D printing experience and our items have a high quality and they are ready to be painted.

A very important consideration for a more translucent clear resin it’s use gloss varnish at the end of the painting. If you buy one of our bits that it’s 3D printed in grey resin, please, apply first a base coat. 3D printers resin have small translucency even in the opaque colors. If you need more information, please contact us.